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Conservation Meeting Minutes 10/01/2009

Conservation Commission
         October 1, 2009

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Keevin Geller, Meredith deCarbonnel, and Stephen Cremer were the
the members present. Hank Langstroth arrived at 8:15 p.m.

No Quorum at this point as Keevin Geller recused himself from the following hearing because he is the Applicant to the proposed project.
7:45 p.m., N.O.I. Public Hearing filed by Keevin Geller for the proposed stabilization of the bank and
minor repairs to the dam associated with Saw Mill Pond at 216 North Main Street, DEP # SE-280-0509:
Applicant, Keevin Geller, was present. Karon Skinner Catrone, Wetland Consultant, appeared before the Commission to represent the Applicant. Karon explained to the Commission that an error was made when completing the N.O.I. Application filed with the Commission. She stated that it was not the Applicant’s intention to perform repair work to the dam associated with Saw Mill Pond as part of his proposed project. Karon apologized to the Commission for the confusion. She has also notified DEP of the error.
The Commission reviewed a Plot Plan dated 2006, FEMA Map, and photos of the proposed project site submitted by the Applicant. Karon explained to the Commission that the scope of the proposed project involves the stabilization of the bank of Saw Mill Pond by installing large boulders on top of the existing topography of the pond area.
Keevin Geller explained to the Commission that he proposes to install crushed stone behind the large boulders to protect the sand along the bank from erosion. No excavation work is associated with the proposed project.
The members of the Commission in attendance agreed to approve the proposed plan submitted by the Applicant with the following conditions:
  • For the Applicant to install siltfence for erosion control during construction of the proposed project along the parking area located in the back of the building and around the edge of the pond toward the spillway.
  • For the Applicant to contact the Conservation Administrator prior to starting the proposed project to inspect the erosion control measures.
The Commission agreed to take official action concerning the hearing once a quorum is attained later in the meeting.
Keevin Geller returned to the meeting at this point
Hank Langstroth arrived at this time
8:15 p.m., Peg called for a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.
Stephen Cremer moved. Keevin Geller seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:35 p.m., Adjournment from Executive Session:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn from Executive Session.
Meredith deCarbonnel moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:30 p.m., Old/New Business:
Keevin Geller recused himself at this point
DEP File # SE-280-0509 - 216 North Main Street:
Since the Commission has reached a quorum, Peg officially opened the hearing for
DEP File # SE-280-0509. She explained the proposed project for Commission Member Hank Langstroth.
The Commission agreed to approve the Applicant’s proposed submitted plan to stabilize the bank associated with Saw Mill Pond, 216 N. Main Street.
Peg called for a motion to close the hearing.
Stephen Cremer moved. Meredith deCarbonnel seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 4-0-0.
Peg called for a motion to issue the Order of Conditions to the Applicant per submitted plan with the conditions discussed by the Commission earlier in the meeting.
Meredith deCarbonnel moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 4-0-0.

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Keevin Geller returned to the meeting at this point
The Planning Board’s proposed Zoning By-law changes concerning the Senior Living Overlay District:
The Commission reviewed the Planning Board’s proposed zoning changes for the upcoming November Town Meeting concerning the Senior Living Overlay District. The members of the Commission expressed their concern about how the open space areas adjacent to the Senior Living Overlay District would be affected if the Planning Board’s proposed zoning changes are approved at Town Meeting. The Commission agreed to address a memo to Attorney Gelermen requesting clarification of the Planning Board’s proposed Zoning By-law changes.

9:45 p.m., Signatures:

The Commission signed bills. Order of Conditions for 216 North Main Street, DEP File #SE-280-0509.

9:50 p.m., Adjournment:

Hank Langstroth moved to adjourn. Peg Arguimbau seconded. Voted. Unanimous. 5-0-0.